I have completed two feature-length screen plays and have a half-dozen or so other projects in various stages of completion. I have also written a novel I think may be better as an animated feature.
I love movies, especially spooky suspense movies, cult films, dystopian sci fi and British comedy.
With my own writing style I like to start slow with with just enough to keep the viewer hooked and let the action and story build slowly. I like to build tension gradually rather than giving everything away at once.
A bit of a minimalist, I prefer to avoid having too many side stories or minor characters.
Characters are very important to me, and I try to make even my villains likeable in some way. I like to have people relate to the villain as well as the protagonist and yet still have them cheer when the villain gets his or her just deserts.
Even when writing something dark I like to throw in some humour as well. My sense of humour is subtle, ironic and biting rather than physical or slapstick.
My biggest influence by far is Tim Burton though I also love Soderbergh, the Coen Brothers, Tarantino, and many more.
For writing alone, As Good As it Gets, Up in the Air and Point Break are also among my faves.