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Talentville Mini-Coverage for Monsters of Hollywood - The Meeting

by Ben Cahan

Professional Coverage, 4 pages
Viewed by: 16 Residents and 1020 Guests

Attached to Monsters of Hollywood - The Meeting

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Monsters of Hollywood is a half hour sitcom pilot that combines some of the more comedic elements of vampire and mythical creatures with a fun nod to modernity, but it currently lacks needed character depth and plot focus. From a high level perspective, on the plus side, misunderstood movie monsters descending on Hollywood in an attempt to change the way they are perceived does have potential. Some of the dialogue is fun, the Van Helsing character is a great addition, and Vlad's delusional personality creates a fun opportunity for comedic relief. However, as the script stands now, it is missing a simple, easy to follow plot, a clear series setup and sufficient character development and backstory to invest us in the characters (needed even in a comedy), issues that will create roadblocks to its commercial prospects.