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Talentville Mini-Coverage for Five Kinds Of Lonely

by Ben Cahan

Professional Coverage, 4 pages
Viewed by: 17 Residents and 1316 Guests

Attached to Five Kinds Of Lonely

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Five Kinds of Lonely is heartfelt and explores the lives of five completely different characters, intertwining their stories as each face typical problems of their particular age group. A lot of the plot hinges on the location of the story in Vermont and the small town high school track and field team, which are both rather unique and unfamiliar in most stories these days. There are great ideas and originality in the script, however as it stands now the individual character stories are not structured to agree with one another and thus much of the drama gets lost. Too much, ultimately, is forced into the story, making some of the conflict feel contrived and making problems feel superficial. If the characters' emotions were given more time to breathe and develop, if all their stories were told from start to finish with reasonable development explaining their character growth as the plot unfolds, this story would feel more whole and consistent.