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Mastering Loglines: One Small Sentence on Your Story, One Giant Leap For Your Career! Bring Your Loglines!

Does your logline get results? A great logline can be your key to breaking into the industry.

Here's how to knock down doors! It's the anchor to your query letter, the lynchpin to your pitch, and can help you focus and test drive your ideas. Writers spend months, even years, structuring, writing, revising, and honing their scripts. Doesn't your logline deserve the same attention?

Tune in for this exciting interactive webinar designed to enable you to master the most important sentence you will ever write!
Presented by

Barri Evins

Barri Evins leverages decades of industry experience to empower writers to elevate their craft, discover their unique voice, and advance their careers.

As a producer and longtime industry executive, culminating in President of Production for Debra Hill, Barri has developed, packaged, and sold projects to all the majors. She brings strong storytelling instincts, industry know-how, and extensive connections to create prestigious packages and successfully sell projects. As a writer, she co-wrote a treatment sold in a preemptive six-figure deal to Warners, as well as a Fox Family project.

As a story consultant and career mentor at Big Ideas, Barri has a passion for both storytelling and nurturing writers that yields results including contest-winning scripts, published books, and packaged scripts that are on their way to production. She enables writers to both achieve their vision for their stories and succeed in getting industry attention through innovative seminars, interactive consultations, and empowering mentorship.

Barri is a Contributing Senior Editor for ScriptMag, with her monthly column, Breaking and Entering, featured since 2012. A book, Creating Delicious Stories, is in the works.

Barri Evins's Website:

More about this webinar

A logline is a single sentence that must accomplish a big job. Industry pros are looking for something that draws us in, tantalizes us, and makes us hungry to read your script. Learn to craft the logline that sells your story.

  • Create Strong Loglines
    Learn what every logline needs to succeed. Master the fundamentals - the logline laws - plus the extras that make a good logline great. Find out which logline rumors are misleading myths. Discover a simple litmus test to determine how to start your sentence. Get seven guidelines to creating great loglines. Avoid the pitfalls and elevate your logline so it stands out for the right reasons. Discover how to use your logline to do market research on your idea before you begin to write.
  • Take your turn at bat!
    Get real time constructive feedback by submitting your logline in advance! Pre-submitted loglines will be reworked with the writer on the spot with professional guidance. Get tips on strengthening your logline to make it a powerful tool. Even if you aren't a live participant, seeing a pro take apart a logline and work with a writer to put it back together to reflect the best in their story and become the most effective selling tool possible will empower you to apply those same techniques to mastering your loglines.
  • How To Participate
    Submit your logline - including the title and specific genre - by January 22, 2024 to have it incorporated into our live discussion. (email it to us at
What others have to say...

So helpful, and very inspiring!

-- Marcello Lanfranchi

This was really good stuff!!

-- Kevin Murphy

Very informative and will improve my writing.

-- Kathy Panzella