Dan Straw is a graduate film student from the Northern Film School at Leeds Metropolitan University. In the past Dan has worked on a range of shots from music video to documentary and everything in between.
Whilst at University Dan took part in volunteering at his student union to help set up and launch the student TV network 'Met TV' which went on to be awarded at the National Student Television Awards (NaSTA). In his last year of University he was awarded a student union award in diversity for his documentary on 'Students with children'.
Alongside University Dan has also taken part in a range of competitions including the languages through lenses competition and the Kodak student commercial competition of 2010 in which his short advertisement on piracy was awarded third place overall of the competition and first in its brief.
Since University Dan has had two of his short films selected for festivals. His film 'Clive' which he co-produced has been screened at the BFI in London and another, 'Sinantisi' is to be shown at Kilburn Festival later on in the year.
Dan has recently helped to produce for a show called 'Persona', a show exclusive to smart phone which is now in its forth season. At the moment Dan is trying to focus more on his writing of scripts, novels and trying to secure funding for his short fiction 'Think outside the box'.
To find out more about Dan either check out his website or follow him on twitter @rambling_dan