I'm a beginning screenwriter with big dreams. I'm a true Cheesehead, an amateur Professional jumproper (if that exists), a mommas boy, a craft beer connoisseur and one God damn entertaining writer. I appreciate subtleties, witty humor, unexpected twists and turns, creativity and hope to portray my own examples on the Big Screen soon. Hollywood's movies just aren't cutting it these days, it's time for me to infiltrate the industry and give the people some classic movies.
I just finished my first script, and like everyone else that has invested this much time in a writing a script, I think I wrote the best thing ever. Now did I? Probably. No I'm just kidding but seriously, that's for everyone else to decide. My comedic masterpiece is edgy, fresh, original and borderline crude but it is definitely memorable and special. Time to get the ball rollin' and write my next pieces.