Founder of HollywoodFunding.com and other web site with the Hollywood theme, Fred M Davis is well connected in Hollywood. With top advisers, production people, technical people, and growing list of funders and deals to all levels of production crews. Each deal or project has new producers, directors, actors and crew, and in that will be opening a web site to handle the vast amount of talent in the industry which is up and running, pending fine tuning, www.hollywoodcrew.com.
Founder of the www.horrormachine.com a growing and new production company designed for Horror films.
Davis's experience in starting new projects stems back to his early years with a Electric Car company and its IPO in Denver Colorado.He then put together and marketed dozens of non entertainment related business before becoming involved in Hollywood.
To date he has produced pilots for talks shows, TV shows, cable shows as well as produced, line produced and directed TV and short films & executive produced feature films. His diversity even took him on a road trip production with two film crews where they filmed a young musician roller skater as he skated across American, titled Skaten 66. He is currently involved in helping fund dozens of films, packaging films, TV projects, animation along with web content and new concepts in both entertainment and invention.
Through HollywoodFunding.com he has been an executive producer on a number of films, attached to numerous projects, to working on global issues from cultivating relationship with Ludvig Noble "Noble Peace Family" to Kevin Sorbo, both now partnered with GoHealthyCalifornia.com, to business development, a founding member of gdr.org & RadiationAlerts.org which looks for solutions for Nuclear waste and radiation issues. He continues to move in a direction to achieve success and help others in their dreams in Show-Business and the environment.
Currently involved in an IPO, a health company where its main product is made by Dr Cade, the creator of Gatorade. The main product of the IPO with GoHealthyCalifornia.com is Cholesterade.
Fred M Davis
- HollywoodFunding.com
- HorrorMachine.com
- twitter.com/horrormachine
- facebook.com/groups/horrormachine/
- linkedin.com/groups?about=&gid=4121057
&we have just formed a new group on the
premiere writers group, Talent Ville, sign up
and find us there under groups, Horror Machine
......G all your Horror fixes, at, http://tinyurl.com/HorrorMachine .....