I'm an Emmy winning (three times nominated) lighting designer in the TV world and, sure, I'm passionate about that, but my biggest passion is and always has been writing. I've written seven screenplays of which, five are still shoppable, of those, one was a top ten finalist in Scriptapalooza a while back and has the great Vilmos Zsigmond attached to direct.
Of the two unshoppable scripts, one was a classic "Hollywood heartbreak" story. i'd written it back in 1993 and it was getting some interest. Problem was, it was an epic telling of the sinking Titanic. WELL, guess what happened? The second script was written around 2000. It was a CHINA SYNDROME-like tale set in the airline industry and centered on an airplane mechanic who blows whistle on unsafe situations. 9/11 flipped over the table on that one. I may get around to reviving it now but who knows?