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I have just completed a new screenplay, "There Are No Cows in Hong Kong". The synopsis and logline are available.
This is the second screenplay I have completed this year. The first movie, a low budget horror film called "Snake Dance", is slated for production late summer. "Murder at Midnight", a short film, has been selected by a local college for production this summer by a combined theater and video group. I also completed two novels, "The Toymaker" and "A Sense of Duty", which have been in the works for some time. This is a return to writing for me. Two years ago I finished a sci-fi thriller called "The Man from the Shadows". That is the first screenplay I have written since "minor crimes" was optioned to Lang Elliot (formerly with Tri-Star, "The Detectives" and "Caged I & II"). I completed that script shortly after finishing work on the development of "Warriors of Virtue" (MGM) for the Law Brothers.
I began writing in 1980, on assignment for Film Ventures International. They purchased Whatever It Takes and began pre-production shortly before closing. They had a great cast lined up and it is a shame the film was not completed. They also optioned several other films that went down when Mr. Montoya disappeared. I should point out that these were original titles not clones of other movies. I also did the screenplay for William Dear's novel "The Missing Keys", an adaption of "Ancient My Enemy" by Gordon R Dickson for Mike Kachuro, and have co-written development packages for several television series, including West "Texas Khaki", which was produced n 1995.