She is a writer/producer and comedienne who started her career working closely with Executive Producer Scott Sternberg of Scott Sternberg Productions. Honing her skills in the world of reality TV, she worked in every aspect from development and production through post- production and airing. Her love of science fiction started as a child. From the moment she saw Captain James T. Kirk and U.S.S. Enterprise, she was a fan for life. And, she marveled at how Rod Serling could intricately weave social commentary into the strangest, quirkiest, most surreal and downright scary half-hour shows. At the special request of Denise Crosby (Natasha Yar on Star Trek: The Next Generation), she was also part of the production team on the documentary Trekkies.
In 2000, she formed Atwood Legacy Enterprises, LLC with her father and together they self- published Blue Spots! Yellow Spots!, the first book from The Land of Dushkin, their series of children‟s books. Inspired by a family tradition of storytelling, their colorful characters reach youth with universal themes of tolerance, cooperation and good citizenship. This journey took
them to book signings at Borders, Barnes and Noble and the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books. Perhaps the defining moment for them was reading time at Barnes and Noble where they were draped by 50 preschoolers hanging off of them, and every word read.
From the short stories she used to dictate to her mother when she three years old to her recent stand-up comedy debut, Jenean is and has always been a writer. FINALLY embracing her inner comedienne, she has performed at places such as The Comedy Store, Ice House and the Hollywood Improv.