The Movie Machine was founded by Jon Sheinberg, son of Universal Studio's 38-year reigning leader, Sid Sheinberg. The family's history in the business of Hollywood is unparalleled. The family is universally respected across the industry and the Sheinberg producing family fully understands how to leverage the inner workings of The Hollywood entertainment community.
To efficiently and effectively access the fruits of the Hollywood community, one must understand the Hollywood infrastructure. Jon Sheinberg, having grown up in this system, most definitely has access to the inner "Machine" of the Hollywood community. He offers a unique understanding of the game and specialized knowledge of how it is played. Jon has strong relationships with all of the studio chief executives and key decision makers in development, production, (features, TV), talent acquisition, marketing/promotions, licensing/merchandising, product placement and home entertainment. Jon understands the needs and wants of the students and how to go about helping them achieve their goals.
STARTING NEW MOVIE IN LOUISANNA WITH GREAT CAST ON MAY 3rd...keep your eyes open for press release...