Winner of Amazon Studios May 2011 Best Screenplay Contest : Going Going Gone
Winner of Slamdance 2009 Best Feature Screenplay - Male Order Bride
Wrote Directed and Produced Geek Mythology
Wrote Directed and Produced Outcall
Watch here: https://www.amazon.com/Outcall-Tomas-Johansson-Jonah-Hwang/dp/B00KDSBVK2
I just read them. I take off my screenwriter's hat and dig in. I don't make notes other than typos. When I'm finished, I examine my feelings about the story. What worked and what didn't. Then I place my screenwriting hat back on and try to figure out how the stuff that doesn't work could be made better. One of the most important goals is to write the screenplay you want not what the reader would like to see.