I have written in various genres since my teen age years, notably in scientific journals and business publications, as well as plays, opera librettos and short stories. In the past, I have sent ideas to various television shows in the form of synopses and treatments, and scripts, and had several considered. I hold a BA in English as well as a BA in music and a Masters in Botany.
I have completed six scripts and have sent four out to various contests. Four of them are full length films, while the two others are shorts. One of the full length scripts is a Supernatural/Thriller, the second is a Sci-Fi Romantic Comedy, the third is a Fantasy/Drama Teleplay and the fourth is a Dramatic Comedy. One of the shorts is a Fantasy/Drama while the other is a Sword and Sorcery/Fantasy. As you can see, I am not 'married' to one particular genre, but enjoy writing in all genre types.
The short "The Door", the Fantasy/Drama, won best short screenplay at the GIAA Film Festival, placed seventh in the American Gem Short Screenplay contest, been in the finals of Scriptsavvy and WILDsounds Short Screenplay contest, placed fourth in the Skyfest Film Festival, is an official selection of the George Lindsey UNA film festival screenplay contest as well as an honorable mention at the Los Angeles Reel Film Festival. It recently was runner up at the Work in Progress screenplay competition at the Wood's Hole Film Festival as well as placing third in the FilmShift Film Festival screenwriting competition . It was also 1st runner up in the New American Screenplay contestThis short script has been recently been expanded into a Teleplay.
The Supernatural/Thriller, 'Haunting of Reactor 5' was in the quarter finals of the Golden Brad awards and was an honorable mention in Screen Writer show case, was 'Official Selection' at the Los Angeles Cinema Festival of Hollywood, and fourth at the Skyfest film festival.
The Dramatic Comedy "Something in Common" (formerly called Cyrano) placed in the semi-finals of the One in Ten Screenplay contest, and placed fourth at the Skyfest film festival.
I have recently completed a feature length action/thriller, a feature length romantic comedy and feature length sci-fi.