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My favorite writer is Neal Stephenson whose work is classified as Sci Fi but could just as easily be classified as historical, economics, techno or epic. He writes strong characters engaged in adventures that take them around the world and that's what draws me to his work. Bollywood insistence on creating stories that fill a broad canvas also delights me, as does Terrence Malick's insistence on making the movies he wants to make. This doesn't mean I dislike the kind of genre films that Hollywood does best. I'm especially interested in seeing Hollywood's genre-specific version of the terrific independent film 'Girl With the Dragon Tattoo'. The trailer looks promising. So let's have a conversation about stories and what makes them work. Let's have a conversation about genres and how to 'broaden our tent' to create something that at least appears to be new. And after a few minutes, let's stop our conversation and go have an adventure. I mean, come on. Talking has its place but sometimes you just gotta go play.