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I've attended several Great American Pitchfests, Hollywood EXPO's, three Moondance Film Festivals, as participant and volunteer. Also helped
organize the first FTX Expo here in Vancouver, bringing a number of our
GA Pitchfest trainers and participants here for the event, including Bob
and Signe.
After completing the Capilano University Film Certificate Program, over a
six year period, and with extra courses in both acting and writing, it was pretty obvious to me that I'd only scratched the surface of the field, so after talking with Suzanne Lyons of Flash Forward I went to LA to the WGA Words into Pictures
event, and that's when my real education in the film biz began, and my network
grew by leaps and bounds.
I've been a licensed realtor since 1975, and involved in both fund-raisers for
Canuck Place for terminally ill children, organization of various Board events,
and will eventually retire into just Acting and Writing. I am full Union, UBCP/ACTRA and continuing training in that realm.
I have a number of completed screenplays, shorts, and TV movies in the works, but not delivered to any of the people I've had requests from at GAP.
Plan to do that this year.