It's fresh week at Andromeda High and the seniors are aggressively hazing the freshies. Three stoners see a flash of light in a copse of trees just past the schoolyard, but are unable to investigate. Out of the trees come Zowie and Vareena, aliens who take on the guise of Average American Teenagers. Their mission is to assimilate and report what they see to their home planet superiors.
Meanwhile, one of the main characters, Devin, opens his locker to a waterfall of syrup. The senior jocks giggling just down the hall, Tony and Curt, leave little doubt of who is responsible for the prank. Devin and his two friends, Matthew and Pamela, vow revenge.
Classes begin where a senior falls for an English teacher, Zowie and Vareena question the science teacher and a suspicious girl notices them, and the principal makes an announcement that there will be a general assembly for all after lunch.
While this is all going on, Devin, Pam and Matt sneak into the boy's locker while the senior's P.E. class is in progress. They search the lockers until they find Tony's locker - and a big surprise inside.
At lunch, Linda - the one falling for the English teacher - and her BFFs Adele and Sophia hassle some freshie girls. They convince the freshies to sing at the general assembly. Adele drops a bombshell by revealing she is pregnant.
The English and Science teachers with the previous student encounters clash heads about discipline. A new Drama teacher catches both their eyes.
In the assembly, things go wrong for Linda as the freshies, with the help of a pretty Goth named Nicole, bring the house down with their singing. Devin invites the students to sign a petition sheet outside the gym to boycott fresh week. But instead of the sheet, there's Tony's football jersey, the surprise, and photographic evidence of the two items together in Tony's locker.
At the Internet Cafe after school, in a mall where the students gather to hang, the singing girls are greeted like rock stars, further infuriating Linda. She vows to "get even". Adele befriends the girls. Devin notices the goth Nicole and Pam notices Devin's attention to her, she's unsure how to react to it.
Tony and Curt barge into the cafe looking for Devin. They find him. Devin tries to get away but can't. So he stands up to Tony to fight him. The punch misses, but Zowie and Vareena use some powers to knock Tony out cold. Few notice that the punch totally missed, but the girl tailing the aliens does. She runs off to tell her stoner friends - the ones who first saw the flash of light - her theories about Zowie and Vareena.
Episode 2 starts off with Zowie and Vareena recapping the last episode to their superiors...