Pity Bullock has a horrible life. His wife is a mean, spiteful woman who keeps putting him down. His son just smokes pot and ignores him. And his boss at J&R Demolition won't let him switch from being a salvage guy – a guy who clears out all the junk – to a blaster – a guy who has all the fun.
With a father who was an abusive drunk, Pity's trying as hard as he can to break the cycle and be a positive example for his son. But that just never quite works out.
Pity's only escape from all this is the Internet – videos of drunk girls kissing, meaningless quizzes on Facebook, skateboarders getting racked and gifs of cats knocking things off shelves.
One day, he comes across a video of Angel, a sexy college student who blows smoke rings, smiles at the camera and fixes her hair over and over. Pity falls in love, but that quickly turns into obsession. Soon, he figures out where Angel goes to school, so when a demolition job comes up nearby, Pity volunteers.
He stalks her, finds her and, finally, follows her into a bar. They meet, they talk and they get along great. Angel's a big flirt, and Pity is surprisingly charming and funny. They even end up making out – until Angel's father breaks them up and punches Pity in the mouth. It turns out Angel is only 16. And her name's not Angel. To Pity, these deceptions are the last straw. He leaves angry and gets drunk – then he gets an idea.
At the work site, Pity breaks into the J&R Demolition container. He spends all night setting the entire place for implosion. Meanwhile, Angel has been up, too, and starts preparing to shoot another video. That's when Pity comes out from the shadows, knocks Angel in the head with her laptop and covers her face with a pillowcase.
When the pillowcase is removed, Angel is tied up in the wired building. Pity says he'll let her go if she makes two videos – one apologizing to all the guys she's lied to, and one showing his building implosion to post as an example for his son. Instead of setting up to record her apology, though, Angel starts a live stream. Once that surreptitious broadcast gets noticed, the parking lot fills up with police, fire and TV news. Everyone Pity knows is watching him fight and talk and be crazy with Angel.
When Pity realizes what Angel has done, he freaks out and decides they're both going to die. He pushes the 'Fire' button on his controller, then – at the last possible second – he gives Angel a chance to survive.