The TARDIS brings our time travellers to Camelot. King Arthur, Mordred, Guinevere, Lancelot, Merlin and Nimue. Intrigue and passion are about to explode when a dragon and a Time Agent arrive, throwing the court into chaos.
Character DrivenCrimeEnsemble CastFantasyFuturisticMonsters/AliensMysteryMythicalPeriodRural
Time Period: MedievalStory Location: EuropeSpecial Effects: Minimal SFXA spec script for Doctor Who combining all of the usual elements of fast pace, humour, action, and the joy that The Doctor finds in exploring time and space. Set in Medieval Camelot, The Doctor and Amy are confronted with a spaceship chasing a dragon, rats with glowing yellow eyes and the intrigue between Lancelot and Guinevere. Assisting Merlin to save Camelot from the dragon The Doctor and Amy find they have to also take charge of a Time Agent and try to get the rats out of Camelot. What does the Dragon want and how will they get it to leave before it eats more children and lays waste to more farmland?