Dream Finder
Feature Screenplay, 108 pages
Posted by David Turner
Written by David Christopher-Turner
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Serenstad has flourished under Duke Ibris, the Dream Finders guild considered charlatans. Until the Dream Finder Antyr and his Earth Holder Tarrian are summoned to Duke Ibris to help make sense of a nightmare that has plagued him. An epic journey ensues to stop a malevolent blind man possessed with evil and a power hungry warrior chieftain who will stop at nothing to conquer all lands
Character DrivenEpicFantasyHigh ConceptPeriodReligious ThemeSupernatural
Time Period: MedievalStory Location: EuropeSpecial Effects: Extensive SFXTarget Audience: AdultAfter a drunken night out with friends, and before he can recover, ‘Antyr' is summoned before ‘Duke Ibris', where he discovers the Duke is having nightmares, which are being affected by someone from ‘the outside', which is impossible. Meanwhile, ‘Ivaroth Ungwyl' is starving, and so kills a young warrior for his supplies. He feels compelled to travel South, where along the way he meets the ‘Blind Man', who promises to make him the ‘chief of chiefs'.
The ‘Lady Nefron', finds out about how ‘Antyr' had helped the Duke, and so she decides ‘Antyr' must now help her son. ‘Antyr' is called before ‘Menedrion' to help him with his nightmares, during which time he discovers an evil presence. ‘Antyr' and ‘Tarrian' establish they must seek help from another Dream Finder called ‘Nyrial'. ‘Ivaroth' aided by the ‘Blind Man' destroys 40 armed men, while he himself was unarmed, to become chieftain of his
tribe. The Duke has a Bethlari envoy before him, who is demanding that the Whendreachi stop victimising his citizens. However, the Bethlari arrival is a direct breach of their peace treaty. So the Duke decides to despatch ‘Arwain' to Whendrak and for ‘Menedrion' to escort the envoy to the Bethlari border. In the meantime, ‘Antyr' has been promoted to one of the Dukes most trusted advisors.
‘Esta' has been assigned by the Duke to protect ‘Antyr', and as such she goes in search of ‘Nyrial' with both him and ‘Tarrian'. Unfortunately, ‘Nyrial' is found dead, but they discover a wolf guarding his body, which turns out to be ‘Tarrians' brother ‘Grayle'. In order to find out how ‘Nyrial' died, ‘Antyr' enters his dream world, where he encounters two menacing figures, and only just escapes their evil presence with the aid of ‘Tarrian'. In trying to find answers, ‘Antyr' now seeks the help of another Dream Finder called ‘Pandra', and they soon realise that a Mynedarion of great power is involved with the current crisis.
One whose power would be tenfold in the dream world! They immediately go to the Duke and convince him of the threat, who then tasks ‘Antyr' with searching the Bethlari envoys dreams, where ‘Antyr' deduces that the two menacing figures he has seen before, are using the envoy and the Bethlari religion to bring about violence and destruction.
‘Arwain's' party is now in the city of Whendrak, where both he and ‘Ryllans' are meeting with ‘Haynar', who is angry about the current Bethlari situation. There are Bethlari sympathisers everywhere, and a riot soon breaks out! ‘Arwain' is hit by a rock, which puts him in a coma, and it is only thanks to a Whendreachi officer who calms the rioters, that ‘Ryllans' and the Mantynai were able to leave the city safely with ‘the injured ‘Arwain'. ‘Ryllans' then despatches riders to get help, and it's not long before they run into ‘Menedrions' party, who are escorting the Bethlari envoy, and a doctor is sent to aid ‘Arwain' immediately.
‘Ivaroths' hordes are on the march, and if he wants to conquer the Southern states, they must cross the great mountains. However, there is dissent from within the ranks, but with the help of the ‘Blind Man', ‘Ivaroth' sends a chilling message to anyone who would go against him, as one of his chiefs is left screaming in the night. ‘Menedrion' immediately goes to see ‘Arwain', and is relieved to find that he is recovering. Now that ‘Menedrion' is satisfied that all is well, he continues returns to mobilise the Seren army at 'Ryllans' urging.
We now see ‘Esta' training ‘Antyr' in the use of weapons, he with his steel weapons, and her with a wooden practice sword. Despite this, she easily avoids his inexperienced lunges, and gives him a slap with her weapon on each occasion, almost mocking him! However, she is a
good teacher, and ‘Antyr' is a quick learner, and so before long he is getting the better of her.
Whendrak, is surrounded by two divisions of Bethlari troops, with more arriving all the time, meaning that ‘Arwain' and his men are massively outnumbered, and any frontal assault would be certain death. With this in mind, and after much soul
searching, ‘Arwain' orders a night attack on the Bethlari, to cause as much damage as possible, because in their arrogance the Bethlari had not yet posted lookouts!
‘Arwain' and ‘Ryllans' pretend to be drunk to get past the gates and once in, they divide their troops and begin the onslaught. Killing the Bethlari in their beds! However, the Bethlari priests begin to rally the troops, and block ‘Arwains' retreat, with ‘Ryllans' and his men nowhere to be seen! Then, without warning the Bethlari charge towards ‘Arwains' position. ‘Arwains' group form a shield wall and brace themselves for the Bethlari clash, but surprisingly a storm of arrows rains down on the advancing Bethlari. ‘Ryllans' and his troops rush forward with bows in their hands, and re-join forces with ‘Arwain' and his men, and they all retreat from the Bethlari camp together.
The Duke informs ‘Antyr' that due to ‘Arwains' attack on the Bethlari, he is now despatching ‘Menedrion' and two divisions ahead of the main army, and he wants ‘Antyr' to go with them.
‘Arwain', ‘Ryllans' and their troops are fighting a running battle as they retreat up the valley to open ground, where ‘Arwain' orders a square to be formed. Then despite an attempt at negotiation to try and buy a little more time, a hellish battle takes place, where many die on both sides, and just when ‘Arwain' fears all is lost, the sound of a battle horn is heard, and the Seren army can be seen advancing towards their positions. The Bethlari begin retreating, and cheers begin to rise from ‘Arwains' beleaguered men.
The Bethlari have now withdrawn from Whendrak, and have gone back to Bethlar, and are now out of sight! With the road ahead now clear, the Duke gets the permission he needs from a reluctant ‘Haynar', to move his army past Whendrak, and then gives the command to march on to Bethlar.
‘Captain Larnss' and his men are out on patrol, somewhere on the border between Bethlari territory, and the city of Viernce. They decide to make camp for the night, but they come under attack from a sea of horsemen, and immediately set up defensive positions by forming 3 squares.
The attack from the horsemen is ferocious, and ‘Larnss' soon realises that there are too many of them, so he sends a rider to warn people. ‘Larnns' and his men are slaughtered! ‘Ivaroth' makes the ‘blind man' attack the rider ‘Larnns' had sent back, by using his powers, but once the ‘blind man' carries out the order, he falls to the ground totally incapacitated. ‘Ivaroth' makes camp and waits for the ‘blind man' to recover, but with every passing day there is a chance of them being discovered!
‘Jadric' and ‘Haster' stumble across a woman who is caring for an injured man, so they give him medical aid, and he in turn relays his story to them, and tells the tale of the ground around him tearing apart. ‘Jadric' and ‘Haster' swear to the injured man they will warn
Viernce of the impending invasion. Once they have warned the people of Viernce they head for Whendrak and Duke Ibris at full speed. ‘Antyr' is in the dream world, he is screaming as he falls through darkness, unknown shadows and forces are battling for his soul. He cries out and all stops! Looking around he sees it is snowing.
‘Ivaroth' enters into the ‘blind mans' dream nexus, and they move into the threshold. It is snowing! The ‘blind mans' power is tenfold in this realm, and he uses it to split a mountain asunder with a great wave of his hand. ‘Ivaroth' puts a knife to the ‘blind mans' throat, and reminds him that they have things to do in the real world, before all else!
Suddenly ‘Ivaroth' senses something, and out of the greyness a figure appears, to which he hurls the knife with well-practiced precision. We see ‘Antyr' in the dream world, there is death and destruction everywhere. Then suddenly he is unable to move as ‘Ivaroths' knife
hurtles towards him. However, just before impact, he becomes a wolf and snatches the blade from the air, and ‘Ivaroth' turns away in a rage and disappears. ‘Antyr' awakens with the knife in his hand!
As a result of ‘Antyrs' dreams, the Duke despatches ‘Arwain' and all of his Mantynai guard, along with ‘Antyr' and his wolves, to Viernce. We see ‘Arwain', ‘Haster' and ‘Ryllans' in front of a horde of horsemen, ‘Arwain' is trying to negotiate but both ‘Haster' and ‘Ryllans' draw their swords, and this brings about an immediate response from the horde, and as one they surge forward with a great roar, and attack.
‘Antyr' looks up at the figures as they appear at the top of the hill, an ominous tremor begins to develop, and ‘Antyr' realises it's them from the dream world. Then one figure on the hill reaches out as if to embrace the whole land, and as the ‘blind man' does so, ‘Ivaroth' brings his sword down on the ‘blind man's' head. The ‘blind man' brushes off the sword like it was nothing. ‘Ivaroths' eyes turn black and he falls to the ground motionless, and it looks like he is sleeping. In that same moment the exact same thing happens to ‘Antyr'.
Meanwhile there is a great bloody battle going on. ‘Arwain' brings his sword down on the head of one of the invaders. Both sides are giving no quarter, and although the invaders had taken major casualties, there seemed to be no end to them.
‘Antyr' was now in a dark world which was only lit by crackling forked lightning. Then a menacing figure appears a few steps away from him, so he draws his sword, but ‘Ivaroth' sends his blade flying. Antyr staggers back and ‘Ivaroth' moves in for the kill. Suddenly a calm overcomes ‘Antyr', and he grabs ‘Ivaroths' sword arm, and as he pulls him close, he plunges his knife into ‘Ivaroths' ribcage, and keeps pushing the knife in till ‘Ivaroth' falls on his back, and his life escapes him. ‘Antyr' now sees the ‘blind man' approach him, turning away he flees, knowing the ‘blind man' pursues him. ‘Antyr' sees a shining portal, and just as he passes through it, the ‘blind man' touches his shoulder and follows him through.
‘Antyr' and the ‘blind man' now stand on a strange vantage, below them lie the countless worlds of the threshold, this was the great dream!
This is where the spirits of the forsaken have been imprisoned, and they have worked hard for countless generations to be free, so they can remake the world in their own image. ‘Antyr' realises he is a Dream Warrior, and he says he will oppose the spirits of the forsaken, and never free them. ‘Antyr' battles the ‘blind man', and takes control of his body. The ‘blind man' in retaliation casts all that is evil in him at ‘Antyr', but despite the agony of it, ‘Antyr' rebounds this power, cleansed of all its evil, back at the ‘blind man', who then dissipates into nothing, and the spirits of the forsaken are trapped once again. ‘Antyr' now lays inside a ring of bodyguards, as the hordes of ‘Ivaroth' become nothing.
We see ‘Menedrion' about to signal the advance on the Bethlari positions, but ‘Feranc' advises him to hold, and within seconds the Bethlari lines begin to break, and within a few hours the Bethlari cross the battlefield carrying a flag of truce.
‘Antyr' was told by ‘Haster' and Jadric', there are those in our land who can teach you. So ‘Antyr' decides to travel to meet the group known as the Cadwanol, who are the protectors and warriors of the white way.