Feature Screenplay, 121 pages
Adventure, Romance
Written by Victoria Masina
Viewed by: 18 MembersUploaded: Sep 05, 2012
Latest Draft: Sep 19, 2012
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In the first part of the trilogy three 19th century strangers - a bashful British doctor, a cocky American adventurer, and a stubborn German girl disguised as a man - step inadvertently through a gateway into 12th century England, and realize that trying to find a way back home isn't their biggest problem.
Character DrivenEpicFantasyHigh ConceptHistoricalLove StoryMysteryPeriodRevengeRuralViolence
Time Period: MedievalStory Location: EuropeSpecial Effects: Minimal SFXTarget Audience: AdultDON'T READ the DETAILED Storyline! It gives away too much. But do read my script!
16 dolla make ya holla baby!!!! :D Think about it! You get SIXTEEN Talentville $$ for this!
In 1840 a traveling group of strangers gathers to share the hansom cab fare from Dover to Liverpool. The group consists of William Scarborough, a young British doctor with refined manners, Hank Donovan, a cocky American with flair of adventure, and Franziska Kleiss, a young German science student who travels in disguise as a man.
An unfortunate storm maroons them at Tutbury manor, where they learn the odd story of a girl named Aalina. As it turns out the Lady of the manor has put a handsome price on the apprehension of this girl. Our three heroes are in desperate need for that money, all for very different reasons, and when Aalina suddenly appears again they don't hesitate to chase after her. The frightened girl flees, with Hank, William and Franziska in hot pursuit. They trap her in the old Tutbury castle ruins, and this is the point when things get strange: they cross an open gateway without realizing what it is. A shiny device, the ECLIPSIBUS, waits on the other side.
Soon our misfortunate adventurers learn that the gateway lead them about 700 years into the past, where they stumble right into the umbra of a total solar eclipse. They don't experience a happy welcome: an accusation of heresy lands them in the dungeon, and subsequently onto the pyres! Only William's quick claim to be able to save Lord Robert's dying son saves them from the fire.
It turns out that the girl Aalina originates from the 12th century and opened the gateway to 1840 by accident. Desperate to travel back to their own time, Hank, William and Franzi try to solve the puzzle of the Eclipsibus. Meanwhile Aalina has her own problems with prior Forwin, the head monk of the Tutbury priory. Not only does Forwin desire to learn the meaning of the Eclipsibus as well, but he also desires Aalina. And he takes what he wants.
Eventually our three travelers realize that they can only travel during a total solar eclipse and thus they have to spend the next seven years in the 12th century! Now they have to adapt and make the best of it. Budding friendships and blossoming romances are tested by jealousy, greed, lust, secrecy and the general difficulties of the early medieval lifestyle. Aalina and William start to fall in love, while Robert the Younger discovers Franziska's secret, and he pursues her with the attitude of the son of a Lord. Hank, also finally noticing Franziska's true female identity, helps to fight Robert off by marrying Franziska – which neither of them really wants.
Just when things finally start to look promising for both couples, their secrets threaten to turn young love into fear - and when King Henry dies and war breaks out, the real trouble begins. Live becomes pure struggle for survival. Our friends suffer heavy losses in battle, as well as during the retrieval of the Eclipsibus on the eve before the next total solar eclipse. It is decided that Aalina will come back to the future with them, but in the end only three of our protagonists make it to 1840, where they have to make an important decision.
== End of Part I of the Trilogy ==