A vampire hiding in New York City survives on the blood of rats, until he finds a way to drink the blood of the inhabitants without being caught.
Time Period: PresentStory Location: USASpecial Effects: Minimal SFXTarget Audience: Young AdultFrom the Old World vampires come to New York City. When the police find bodies with no blood in them they realize there are vampires loose in the city.
That was years ago. Today all the vampires have been destroyed. Maybe. Perhaps one has survived feeding on the blood of rats.
A seasoned Lieutenant, who lead the original hunt for the vampires, and an ambitious female rookie who realizes all the vampires may not have been destroyed; strike out on their off duty time to make the city safe.
In a humorous, yet scary way, this short script deals with them finding the last vampire and destroying him. Perhaps destroying him, you know how these stories go!