Hopelessly romantic and extremely nerdy, David has been on-line dating for quite some time, which is evidenced by his graveyard of potential girlfriends in the backyard. It's suspected that his would-be girlfriends might be getting the wrong idea when on the first date he shows them his good luck charm: an engagement ring.
Having reached the point of desperation but hating the superficiality 'required' in getting a man, Michelle is begrudgingly convinced to simply try on-line dating and see what happens.
Brad, David's 100% hot and 100% cool roommate, secretly logs into David's dating profile and decides to spruce it up a bit – who better to make it like than himself? Michelle's sexy roommate Sara does the same to Michelle's lame, half-hearted profile. Brad and Sara message each other through David and Michelle's profiles and set up the big first date! Only one problem – how are they going to become who they say they are?
Brad and Sara separately prep David and Michelle for the big night. The goal: to be just like them. However, becoming 100% hot and 100% cool isn't 100% easy. After near drownings, broken noses, and bad acting, David and Michelle are faced with a choice – become what others want them to be, or become proud of who they are.
Being with-it isn't worth it. In the end, Brad and Sara are sent to cancel the date but instead fall for each other. Watching their roommates from a distance, David and Michelle connect as well… as themselves.