An older, lonely woman befriends a cat, which leads to another cat, which leads to a late-in-life romance.
Character DrivenFamilyLove StoryRural
Time Period: PresentStory Location: USASpecial Effects: No SFXTarget Audience: Adult | Early Teen | Teenagers | Young AdultA widow lives a quiet and lonely life. She carries on conversations with her deceased husband. When she takes up feeding a stray cat, her life begins to change. When an older man comes looking for his missing cat, she's downhearted she'll lose her Rufus, but he's not the cat the man's looking for. A budding relationship develops between the old woman and old man, with Rufus the center of it all. One day Rufus moves away from his normal morning food and lets a bedraggled muddy cat eat. To the joy of the older man, it's his missing cat. Rufus brings two humans together and is rewarded with a partner for himself. Everyone lives happily ever after.