It's 2024 in New York City.
IRIS doesn't have time for nonsense. She wants everyone to be straight forward, but has learned that few people really are.
SAMUEL does not lie. He expects others not to as well, but he is usually disappointed.
At the offices of matchmaking website, 'Mate 4 U', FRANCIS, and KRISTEN meet with their boss, SIMON, to talk about the company's fading popularity. As the women in charge of marketing, he tells them to come up with an event that will improve business and get them noticed more, or they could lose their jobs.
Francis and Kristen hatch an idea to throw a speed dating, 'lock-in' in an upscale hotel suite. The catch is, that all of the people there, will be connected to polygraph machines during mutual questioning, and it will be broadcast live on the internet. Also, those watching at home can send in questions, if they choose to.
From a night out at bars, Francis & Kristen enlist Samuel, Jonah, Mandy, Chad, Greg, Stephanie, Iris, and Martha.
All eight participants, two polygraph technicians, & Kristian spend a long, revealing, passionate, emotional night in a hotel suite
where personal secrets, fears, and true personalities are finally shown and confronted in ways that none of the eight people there could've ever expected. Most of them will leave with their lives changed in surprising ways.