The Final
Feature Screenplay, 124 pages
Adventure, Comedy
Written by Alistair Bruyns
Viewed by: 17 MembersUploaded: Feb 16, 2010
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Four American soccer-passionate strangers win the last 4 tickets to the 2010 FIFA World Cup Final 7 days before the event and when they cannot book any type of travel from Florida USA to Johannesburg South Africa conflicts arise when they attempt to get to the game in time.
Ensemble CastFamilyFarceRural
Time Period: PresentStory Location: AfricaSpecial Effects: Minimal SFXTarget Audience: Young Adult4 American soccer-passionate strangers are given the last 4 tickets to the 2010 FIFA World Cup Soccer Final in South Africa at a ceremony in Miami Florida, only to find out that there are no more flights or boats to South Africa.As they sit on a bench in the harbour contemplating their ill-fortune they are approached by Captain Budda who offers them passage across the Atlantic but they have to crew. They accept.
DAY: T minus 7 days - The 4 crewman, in Keystone Cops fashion are given a crash course in sailing to prepare them for the biggest oncoming storm ever.
NIGHT: T minus 7 days - The storm breaks and all hell breaks lose. Throughout this near-death-ordeal the captain shares the Four Noble Truths.
NIGHT: T minus 6 days - Sunset ends the storm and captain says that the way to end suffering is to follow the Eightfold Path.
DAY: T minus 5 days - Captain cannot get berth and he tricks all 4 of them into falling into the sea. The Coast Guard picks them up.
Night: T minus 5 days - The 4 leave passport control and head to a laundromat to dry their clothes. A black-male overhears offers them a ride to Port Elizabeth the next morning. They accept. They sleep in the laundromat watching the semi-final in which the USA plays.
DAY: T minus 4 days - At 4.30AM they climb into the pick-up and head off picking up 30 hitch-hikers whose weight causes the vehicles axle to break. The 4 land up riding ostriches over the farmlands. They chase down a National Parks Truck after a classic stage-coach robbery scene. The 4 get a ride in the back with the spider cage
Night: T minus 4 days - They are dropped off and land up riding elephants towards their destination, via the beach.
DAY: T minus 3 days - The 4 leave the elephants at sunrise and walk North along the beach and land up hitching rides up the coast on the back of Jetski's with 4 gorgeous surfer-girls. They reach Port Elizabeth railway station and stow-away on a coal train. They unknowingly get high on Marijuana and find themselves marooned in the middle of the bush.
Night: T minus 3 days - The 4 wake up in a rural village and are greeted by a pretty American volunteer worker called Rachel who takes them to Durban on horseback after they have helped the village out.
DAY: T minus 2 days - They arrive at the aid-camp Rachel runs, and fly in a bi-plane to Johnannesburg. Mid-way an important bit of the airplane falls off and 2 of the guys have to climb out and fix it.
They land in the Kruger National Safari Park, commandeer a donkey-cart and driver and head off to Pilgrims Rest.
NIGHT: T minus 2 days - En route to Pilgrims Rest they get chased by a pride of lions after stopping for a pee break.
DAY: T minus 1 days - They in Pilgrims Rest to find no transport available. Banki gets an idea and quad-bicyle out of 4 penny-farthings.Only problem he forgot to build a brake.
NIGHT: T minus 1 days - They arrive in Soweto. They secure lodging for the night and a taxi for the next morning to take them to the game.
DAY: T minus 0 days - the day of The Final - They climb into the pre-arranged taxi with a couple of hours to go before kick-off. The trip to the stadium should be a 45 minute drive. 3 hrs later they are stuck in a gridlock that spans 5 miless outwards.
With 2.5 hours to go they enter the mass to reach their destination. 2 hours later they have only gone 2 miles and realise that by the time they reach the stadium the game will be over. They resign themselves that their journey was epic and although they didn't get to he game they achieved something much more beneficial and important.
A Greyhound bus astops directly in front of the 4 and the door opens and standing in the doorway is Rachel. She is a guest of the ruling party and invites the 4 to join them in a suite at the game. We see them in the ANC Hospitality Suite with Nelson Mandela and Jacob Zuma. The kick-off whistle blows, the 4 see the game, and we zoom out to see Captain Budda with a big grin and fade to credits.