Cool women, hot money and a cold corpse.
Who wanted to kill lying, cheating, stealing Ethan Wright? Who didn't?
Ensemble CastHigh ConceptMystery
Time Period: PresentStory Location: USASpecial Effects: No SFXTarget Audience: AdultWhen Ethan Wright's body is found in his bedroom by both his wife, Brooke, and his girlfriend, Amanda, the two realize that they would be the most logical suspects. They quickly come up with a plan to dump the body at vacation cabin in the woods. In the meantime there are others who want to talk to a live Ethan. The FBI, Lindsey, and the state police, Ross, are after him for possibly embezzling millions of dollars from his company and investors. One of those robbed investors, Clement, has even hired a professional hit man to take Ethan out. In addition, Ethan's ex-wife, Susan, and her sister, Cathy, are still trying to get the money owed from their divorce while two guys, Raymond and Merritt, whose retirement accounts had been ravaged by Ethan's dirty deals are seeking their own revenge.
Everything appears to be going well. Brooke and Amanda have agreed to never see each other again. But then they are both questioned by the police and the FBI over Ethan's mysterious disappearance. When the police say they have found Ethan's car but not his body at the cabin, Brooke contacts Amanda and the two decide to find out what happened to the body.
Pursued by the Hit Man and dogged by the police and FBI, Amanda and Brooke begin to wind their way through Ethan's crooked dealings, learning that he most likely has stashed millions somewhere. This becomes a new motivation. Unfortunately they are not the only ones who come to this conclusion and the likes of Susan, Cathy, Merritt, Raymond, and Clement are also chasing both the money and Amanda and Brooke.
When a body that was burned up in a fire at Ethan's hunting lodge has dental records matching his, everyone comes to the conclusion that Ethan is dead. Only Amanda, Brooke and whoever set the fire know that the body was moved. Old dental records eventually prove that the body does not belong to Ethan which adds a new twist to the game.
Amanda searches and discovers that Ethan had purchased a lot of properties but didn't put it in either his name or that of any of his companies. In fact, she finds out, some of the properties are in Brooke's name and some are even in her name. Before she can act on this she is kidnapped by the Hit Man and Clement. She manages to escape and it is a race to get to those properties before a very much alive Ethan can collect his hidden loot and escape the country.