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Talentville coverage for Devil Among Us (1-2012)

by Ben Cahan

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Professional Coverage, 3 pages
Viewed by: 58 Residents and 43 Guests

Attached to DELETED: Devil Among Us

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DEVIL AMONG US has an intriguing start with a lot of potential for a controversial and unique murder mystery. However, the story falls into a generic mold and doesn’t attempt to intimately engage the darkness of its premise. The writing tries to push the conventions of the murder mystery without properly earning the final solution. The premise isn’t anything groundbreaking nor is it executed to its full potential, but it is a solid start. The screenplay has a comfortable start and a consistent pace. The writing builds tension and intrigue as the search escalates and the body count rises. The screenplay’s main issue is that it attempts to cover a lot of ground, but doesn’t maintain a clear direction. Overall, it is an intriguing idea, but doesn’t do enough of the character or background legwork to sell the story.