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Talentville coverage for The Polar Opposition (6-2012)

by Ben Cahan

Professional Coverage, 3 pages
Viewed by: 62 Residents and 630 Guests

Attached to INACTIVE: The Polar Opposition

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POLAR OPPOSITION is an edgy re-envisioning of Christmas lore in the spirit of a film such as ELF. The story follows the plight of the worker-class elves as they become the target of the ire of the two-faced wizard, Glazier. The writer does an interesting job with mashing up fantasy elements and Christmas lore with the more practical socio-economic realities Santa Claus' operation. The strongest aspects of the screenplay are the premise and its refreshing take on the Christmas world. The story is well-conceived and the structure demonstrates the writer’s solid ability to maintain the plot’s focus where it may have easily floundered.