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Talentville Coverage for Massacre of the Innocents

by Ben Cahan

Professional Coverage, 3 pages
Viewed by: 50 Residents and 140 Guests

Attached to Massacre of the Innocents

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Overall, this project works equally well as a violent comedy or a testosterone-fueled action film. The writer finds humor in all sorts of grotesque situations - some viewers will probably be discomfited by the realization that they're laughing at such gruesome material.

At the end of the day Massacre of the Innocents has plenty of laughs and a few surprises to offer to all but the most squeamish of viewers. It's a sound thriller made with the guts and gusto that too many recycled entries into the genre fail to exhibit. With some tightening of the plot and a little more character development it can stand out as a good, if not great, crime thriller.