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Talentville Coverage for Genetix

by Ben Cahan

Professional Coverage, 3 pages
Viewed by: 22 Residents and 151 Guests

Attached to INACTIVE: Genetix

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The screenplay is a solidly constructed action flick. There is plenty of action and the premise is pretty intriguing. Similar in tone to THE BOURNE IDENTITY with the amnesia-ed super-soldier gone rogue, the action ultimately executes more along the lines of GI-JOE with over-the-top, super human, leaping combat. The screenplay has a strong, energetic pace that consistently sprinkles action sequences throughout the story. The plot has an interesting twist at the end with Rayne's revelation, but there are definite improvements that could be made with the character development. There are some gaping logical questions that the story tries to gloss over, but things like why Hound has a mind of his own and who Lion is are pretty important details that would really strengthen the story.