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PAGE Awards newsletter for January 2014

by Jennifer Berg - PAGE International Screenwriting Awards

Article, 8 pages
Viewed by: 27 Residents and 295 Guests

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LOGLINE is the monthly newsletter from the PAGE Awards editorial staff, packed with great articles on the craft of screenwriting from industry insiders and top script gurus. In this first issue of the New Year, 2013 Gold Prize winner Chris Molinaro breaks down the pros and cons of beginning a writing career from the East Coast. PAGE Judge Joe Riley explains how the notes you get from Hollywood will help you navigate the wilderness between writing a spec and selling one. Genre guru John Truby assesses the approach American Hustle takes to the comedic caper form. Format whiz Dave Trottier examines establishing shots and the use of “CUT TO:”. And, producer Marvin V. Acuna offers advice on what to do with that great movie idea.

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PAGE Awards eZine newsletter - Spring 2014

Article , 8 pages

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PAGE Awards newsletter March 2014

Article , 8 pages

Uploaded: Mar 04, 2014