Breaking the chain of Writer's Block
by Jacob Krueger - Jacob Krueger Studio
Screenwriting Lesson, 5 pages
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There are so many things that come between us and our writing. Professional aspirations, fear of being judged, misguided teachers, confusing or contradictory feedback, deep rooted emotional blocks, writing for others instead of yourself, and the tremendous pressure we put on ourselves to proceed. In this installment of the "Outside the Box" series, Award Winning Screenwriter Jacob Krueger shows you how to get back in touch with your inner impulses, to get your writing flowing again, and your best work on the page.
The founder of Jacob Krueger Studio, Jacob has worked with all kinds of writers, from Academy and Tony Award Winners, to young writers picking up the pen for the first time. His writing includes The Matthew Shepard Story, for which he won the Writers Guild of America Paul Selvin Award and was nominated for a Gemini Award for Best Screenplay. To follow Jacob's blog or learn more about his Screenwriting Workshops, Online Classes, and International Retreats please visit WriteYourScreenplay.com.