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Grow Up Beth is a mix between Bridget Jones's Diary and Hannah Horvath from Girls.
Grow Up Beth is very well-written, with developed characters, and a straight-forward structure that makes it very clear and easy to read, which is refreshing. While the script is technically well-written, my main concern is that it is a one-quadrant film, towards an older female market.
Also, the script so strongly resembles Bridget Jones's Diary that I do not currently see a place in the market for a film like Grow Up Beth. The script could be dramatically improved if more twists, original events, and dynamic character traits were included that would differentiate it from the Bridget Jones series and make it more approachable for a younger audience. Expanding the appeal to younger men and women would make the script more marketable.
I am the Developer and CEO of Talentville.com and I want to welcome every aspiring screenwriter who dreams of their stories being produced. In 1989, I created and co-founded Final Draft, the worldwide leader in screenwriting software.
With Talentville our goal is to create an entirely new market for aspiring screenwriters to not only improve their skills and network with other writers, but also to provide a gateway to reach and interact with industry professionals, from agents and managers to producers and production executives.
Feel free to contact me with any feedback or suggestions that you may have for the site.
Again, welcome to town.