Time Indicators in Scene Headings
by T. J. Alex
Book Excerpt, 6 pages
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Nine times out of ten, DAY or NIGHT is all you will need to indicate the time of day for any given scene. But every once in a long while, the context of the scene may call for something a little more creative or a little more specific. Let's take a look at other possibilities for indicating the time of day.
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Book Excerpt , 5 pages
Uploaded: Oct 12, 2014
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Nine times out of ten, DAY or NIGHT is all you will need to indicate the time of day for any given scene. But every once in a long while, the context of the scene may call for something a little more creative or a little more specific. Let's take a look at other possibilities for indicating the time of day.

T. J. Alex
Xandland • www.screenreads.com
Screenwriter • Script Consultant • Story Analyst
I am founder of www.screenreads.com, a FREE Spec Script Formatting Guide. Before founding the website, I was president of the New York Script Club in New York City.
I am also author of "You CUT TO: Is Showing," the most complete screenplay formatting guide ever written. It is available in paperback, kindle, and nook editions. You can get your copy on Amazon.